Terms & Conditions

William Aston Hall is operated by Theatr Clwyd (Theatr Clwyd Trust Ltd – Company Number 12465903).
- Tickets & Booking
- Tickets are non-refundable
- If booking tickets on behalf of others, you accept these terms and conditions on behalf of everyone in your group.
- If your details change once your booking has concluded then it is your responsibility to inform us. You can manage your booking by logging into your account.
- It is your responsibility to check that any tickets issued to you are accurate.
- Your tickets may not be transferred or resold for commercial purposes or at a premium.
- § If a ticket is transferred or resold in breach of this condition, the bearer of the ticket or the person claiming the right to attend the event will be refused admission to the performance or event.
- Any purchase of tickets is only valid when processed by Theatr Clwyd or an agent authorised by Theatr Clwyd.
- By purchasing a ticket, you shall be deemed to consent to you and any members of your group being filmed where the event or performance is being filmed and that Theatr Clwyd has complete discretion as to use of any film without any recourse to you or any member of your group
- We reserve the right to provide alternative tickets to a show should the staging of the show so require e.g. due to unavoidable seating changes.
- Before the event
- Please check the William Aston Hall website for up-to-date event information before travelling.
- To ensure your enjoyment of the show please bring only event-essential items.
- Loud music or noise can damage hearing. Customers who attend our events do so at their own risk.
- Only food and drink items purchased William Aston Hall may be consumed in the venue.
- Set off in plenty of time - latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance.
- Admission
- Theatr Clwyd reserves the right to refuse admission.
- To help ensure the enjoyment of everyone in our audience, we recommend customers only bring essential electronic items. In most instances the promoter will allow small fixed lens cameras, set in still image mode. We do not allow the following devices at our events: professional-type DSLR or video cameras, streaming or audio recording devices, tablets, GoPro or similar devices.
- Mobile phones are permitted but you may be requested to turn these off or refrain from capturing images. Disruption to other audience members through the continued use of electronic devices, including mobile phones, may result in the ticketholder being removed from the venue.
- During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, regulations and guidance regarding protective measures against coronavirus are subject to change at short notice. Theatr Clwyd will endeavour to follow all relevant regulations or guidance to protect the safety and wellbeing of our visitors and staff. This may involve imposing further conditions on attendance at Theatr Clwyd or venues it operates after you have purchased a ticket. Theatr Clwyd reserves the right to impose any coronavirus related conditions on attendance at its premises at its sole discretion. In the unlikely event that you are unable or unwilling to comply with any such condition, please contact us in advance of the event you are due to attend.
- Theatr Clwyd (or the relevant Third Party) reserves the right to ask for proof of eligibility for concessions at the access points for the event or performance.
- You will be required to present your Ticket (either in printed form or on an electronic device) to gain entry to the performance.
- We reserve the right to refuse admission, or remove from the venue any customer acting in a way which, in the opinion of management is or may be undesirable, inappropriate, harmful, offensive, obscene, illegal or may cause a breach of the peace.
- Customers may be refused entry or ejected from the venue on account of being (or appearing to be) underage (where relevant), abusive, threatening, drunken, declining to be searched, adversely affecting other people’s enjoyment of the event, throwing any object or substance onto the performing area or otherwise in the Venue, standing on seats or in any walkways, climbing fencing (or any other structure) or smoking. Please note that this list is non-exhaustive.
- Any item identified to present a danger to our staff or members of the general public will be confiscated. Restricted items management do not allow into the venue include: Smoke bombs, flares, pyrotechnics, backpacks, packages, parcels, folding chairs, bottles or containers, air horns, helium balloons, flags, signs, banners, knives, firearms, or any other weapon, aerosols, stink bombs, chains, laser pens and crash helmets.
- § This list is non-exhaustive and will remain subject to William Aston Hall’s management.
- No refunds or compensation of any kind will be offered to customers who are refused entry or removed from the Venue.
- We may ask to search bags on admission as a term of our performance licence.
- Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
- Once tickets have been checked, customers will not be permitted to leave and re-enter.
- If you experience any problems with your seating or enjoyment prior to or during the Event then must inform venue staff immediately as issues cannot always be resolved after the event.
- Programme
- Theatr Clwyd (or the relevant Third Party) shall be entitled to make changes as to speakers, performers, running times and such other matters as it thinks fit in the case of any event.
- Theatr Clwyd reserves the right to place restrictions on:
- § The volume of tickets ordered
- § The availability of seats on sale in the auditorium
- Theatr Clwyd shall be entitled to terminate ticket sales for a performance at such time as it shall think fit (or as directed by any relevant Third Party).
- General
- The website www.williamastonwrexham.com is owned and operated by Theatr Clwyd.
- Theatr Clwyd will issue any refunds to you using the same method of payment you used to purchase the tickets.
- Our website is for your own personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information obtained from our website.
- Our website may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by parties other than Theatr Clwyd. The operation of such websites is outside the Theatr Clwyd's control and you proceed at your own risk. Theatr Clwyd does not endorse or sponsor and is not liable for the products, services or content you access through any linked site.
- Theatr Clwyd will collect, use, store and disclose your personal details in accordance with our privacy policy which can be accessed by clicking here.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in William Aston Hall or the Glyndŵr University Campus
- All property is brought at the customer’s risk and Theatr Clwyd shall not, in any way, be responsible for any theft, loss or any damage in respect of such property.
Neither Theatr Clwyd nor the Event Promoter will be responsible for any loss or, damage, death or injury howsoever caused (other than death or personal injury resulting from the negligence Theatr Clwyd or the Event Promoter) unless Theatr Clwyd or the Event Promoter has breached its legal obligations and such a loss or damage is a direct and reasonably foreseeable result of the breach.