News Story
Gary Delaney is an acclaimed one-liner comedian as seen on Mock The Week and Live At The Apollo and often regarded as the most quotable comedian on the circuit. Garys First Live at the Apollo set has nearly 100 million views online. His last tour sold out 378 dates and ran for two and a half years.
Gary will perform as part of the Closing Gala at Wrexham Comedy Festival. We sat down with him to find out more...

We are so excited to have you at Wrexham Comedy Festival. How are you feeling about retuning to Wrexham?
Wrexham was one of the last dates on my 378 date tour which lasted two and a half years. By that stage I was pretty exhausted but the crowd in Wrexham were exactly what a comedian wants to give you a lift towards the finish line. They were smart, energetic and loved a bit of filth. The ideal crowd for me. I’m looking forward to coming back and doing it again but this time without quite so much caffeine.
What has been your most memorable performance, whether good or bad, and why?
I was doing a summer afternoon gig in a big tent for a load of hairy bikers. It was going really well. Then about 20 minutes in it went ballistic. I was getting the biggest laughs and cheers ever, the crowd were on their feet. I thought I was a genius and had finally discovered the secret of comedy. I hadn’t.
The sunlight was bright on the tent wall behind me. Unknown to me a drunken biker had slipped out of the gig and, seeing the queue for the portaloo, had craftily popped round the back of the tent to relieve himself. He didn’t realise that with the sun behind him he was making the perfect shadow puppet of a weeing man on the canvas right behind me. If you’ve ever seen the Mannekin Pis in Brussels it was like that, but 6'2 with a beard and leather jacket. Still well done to him, he really nailed that gig, in fact I think he’s going to be on the next series of Britain’s Got Talent.
What’s something audience might not know about you?
I used to organise Conferences for a living and met Nelson Mandela and Bill Clinton. I've also had a beer with Mick Jagger, and a kit kat with Edwina Currie.
Is there a joke or sketch you wish you’d written?
“I got in trouble on a date once. I didn't open the car door for her. Instead, I just swam to the surface."
Written by Emo Philips.
Any advice to people wanting to get into comedy or are early on in their careers?
Work harder than the next guy. Fake confidence until you have it for real. Write every day and edit ruthlessly. I only use the best 5 percent of the jokes I write for live shows.
And finally, what’s on the cards for the rest of the year/2025?
I need to write the next tour show. That usually takes me at least a year. I’ll probably do another tour starting late 2025.
To book tickets to see Gary Delaney or any of Wrexham Comedy Festival click here.